DJ Ángel Maldonado ha complacido a los asistentes a la fiesta durante más de 2 décadas. Su pasión por la música se nutrió de niño en su tierra natal de Puerto Rico. Desde que era un niño. Ángel solía disfrutar de la música que su hermano mayor, Juan tocaba todos los días después de la escuela; Raphy Leavitt, El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico e Ismael Miranda, fueron algunos de sus favoritos. Viviendo en casa lejos del gran Andy Montañez y creciendo con sus hijos, el amor de Angel por la música salsa se hizo mas tarde.


Gala Tropical Radio es La Voz de la Salud:

Gala Tropical Radio is more than a pleasurable celebration of our homelands, an escape to memories through music. It is more than gaining knowledge of the historical background of the music, the song, the writers and performers throughout our historical musical journey into this 21st century. Or to learn about the origins of our greatest beats throught programming and special guest. Gala Tropical Radio is much more than an inspiration to move our bodies, sway our hips, tap our feet. To get lost in the fiesta of our minds.


Carmen Robles
Community Engagement Strategists:

Carmen Robles is hardworking, talented & accomplished. She's an artist, journalist, entrepreneur, and recognized Twin Cities government/community activist, write, director, and broadcaster for Afro/Latino affairs.

Building on the capacity of families through the delopment of health and wellness youth advocates.


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